About Our Institute

Welcome to the website of Bhartiya Institute of Vedic Science (Bivs), where you will learn everything about the courses and their applications in real life. We have 18+ specialized, trained, and experienced educators for all the 7+ courses we offer, including Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology, Vastu Shastra, and many more.

We focus more on quality than quantity as we believe in better understanding the subjects and making your career successful in the courses they have pursued. We teach everything related to Vedic science and believe in Indian culture and traditions.

As Bhagwat Geeta states:

“कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥

(द्वितीय अध्याय, श्लोक 47)


In his teachings on karma, Krishna Ji says that one should perform one’s duties without worrying about the results of one’s karma, as this helps one perform one’s duties efficiently. When you think about the results of your work, you get attached to hope, and hope is the beginning of negativity.

Our Mission

Our mission is to offer top-quality Vedic science courses at prices that are affordable for everyone. We are committed to ensuring that cost is not a barrier to learning. Our courses are designed to be comprehensive and easy to understand.

Our Vision

Our vision at BIVS is to democratize the knowledge of Vedic sciences, making it accessible to everyone, regardless of their social or economic background. We aim to break down barriers to education in these fields by providing high-quality, affordable courses that anyone can access. We envision a world where the ancient wisdom of Vedic sciences is available to all, enriching lives and fostering a deeper understanding of these profound subjects.

Our Faculty

Mokshaa Rampal Singh

Palmistry Expert

Moksha Rampal Singh is an experienced palm reader known for her accurate palm-reading skills. Talking about her earlier days, she received education and training under the guidance of Gurudev Ji and Nitin Kumar Ji. Under the guidance of the above two, she earned the certificate of a palmist from the All India Institute Of Occult Science. Now, she is earning and progressing well as a certified Palm reader.

Shreya Chaudhary

Vastu Shastra Expert

Shreya Chaudhary is a recognised Vastu Shastra expert known for teaching and training students in Vastu. Talking about her early life, she completed her undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the University of Delhi. After that, she worked in multiple MNCs for seven years. As she had been fascinated by Vastu Shastra since childhood, she enrolled in the Vastu Course. Driven by her passion for the subject, she obtained a diploma and a master’s degree in Vastu Shastra. Today, Shreya is dedicated to guiding aspiring practitioners in Occult Science and helping them thrive in Vastu Shastra.

Murari Mishra

Numerology Expert

Murari Mishra is a recognized numerologist faculty member with eight years of experience teaching numerology and guiding students. He completed his graduation from Banaras Hindu University (BHU). He currently resides in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh.

Asha Ratan

Tarot Card Expert

Asha Ratan, from Ranchi and born in Bihar, is a certified numerologist with 10 years of experience. She specializes in using numerology to uncover the connections between numbers and life, helping individuals align their personal paths more effectively. Asha is excited to join our institute, where she will bring her expertise to make a meaningful and positive impact.

Milind Thombrey

Astrology Expert

Milind Thombrey, born in Chandrapur, Maharashtra, graduated in Science in 1984. He had a successful career in the pharma industry, culminating in his role as Vice President of Sales Operations, a position he held until 2022. With a keen interest in astrology, Milind pursued studies at the All India Institute of Occult Sciences under Gurudev Shrie Kashyap. Today, he is a skilled astrologer and a valued faculty member, practicing and teaching astrology with Gurudev’s blessings.

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